Saturday, April 12, 2008

Lessons from the desert

This is it!

My first attempt at blogging - I'm thrilled to join all you experienced
bloggers out there. I have gathered tips here and there to avoid making too many mistakes, and make this blog more interesting for you to read. This blog won't be all about me though, hopefully you will chip in and contribute your thoughts on the topics of urban nomadism, life hacking, mindfullness and more.

Now, to where it all started: Wadi Rum, Jordan. A desolate place, were it not for the Bedouins that have roamed this sandy gorge since the Nabataeans, and oh those thousands of modern-day Nikon wielders that are freighted in by Toyota pick-up.

For this blogs headline I have chosen a nightshot of the camp in which I found myself along with my wife a few weeks back. Nikon D-50 for those who wonder, me sprawled on the rusty sand, my way of appreciating a night under the full moon.

Salameh, our hospitable bedouin host and Abdallah - a resident Canadian convert shared a meal with us on one rare evening when the desert seemed devoid of other people. This seemed to put them both at ease, and made us feel like guests, and maybe for just a flicker of time bedouins, rather than plain tourists.

As it were I had coincidentally picked up the book "4-hour work week" by Tim Ferriss in the airport bookshop on our way to Jordan. Sometimes events are so perfectly lined up that you're at a loss when trying to explain it. Or is it the fact that you only experience that perfect timing when your mind is open and receptive? Either way that book and that desert experience is the reason I decided to create this blog.

This is my opportunity to document my endavours at becoming an urban nomad, and at the same time share experiences and thoughts with fellow nomads and life hackers present and future.


Food for thought and discussion:
Is urban nomadism dependant on hospitality?
What can be done to improve conditions for the urban nomad?


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